Gotchiverse GRAND Opening LOTTERY

Are you ready GotchiLovers ? The Gotchiverse opens in just few days the 31st of March. To celebrate this AWESOME Aachievement from the team and to get the GotchiSpirit even more hyped, we are organising THE LOTTERY.

Here is the little beauty you can win by participating Frens ! FULL COSTUMIZED Framework (NFC)

IRL Gotchi Flex you can manually pet

How to participate ?

👉 1 Drop ticket = 1 LOTTERY chance
👉 3 Drop tickets = 2 LOTTERY chances
👉 10 Drop tickets = 3 LOTTERY chances

Donate Drop Ticket to the GotchiFArmy Treasury in the Multisig Safe adress (polygon): 0x53a75d41bfc6b5F9E4D4F9769eb12CF58904F37a

How many prices ?

2 FULL COSTUMIZED Framework according to you best friend Gotchi are gonna be offered ! + Other surprises …


During the GotchiFArmy live organised each Thursday night. The Winners will be designated at the end of the live (around 8.30PM UTC) by their deposited address identification (proof of transaction would be needed).


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